New Delhi, July 10 (Press ki taquat bureau): The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has requested the presence of actress Jacqueline Fernandez for further interrogation on Wednesday in connection with a money laundering case involving accused conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, as per official sources. The 38-year-old Bollywood actress of Sri Lankan descent has previously been interrogated by the federal agency regarding this case, which revolves around the alleged defrauding of prominent individuals, including the wife of former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh, Aditi Singh, to the tune of approximately Rs 200 crore.
According to the ED, Chandrashekhar purportedly utilized the “proceeds of crime” or illicit funds to procure gifts for Fernandez. The agency stated in a charge sheet filed in 2022 that the actress was the recipient of valuable items, jewelry, and expensive presents from Chandrashekhar, despite being aware of his criminal background. Fernandez has undergone questioning by the ED on at least five occasions in relation to this case previously.