A vibrant celebration of tiyan took place at village Nathumajra (Block Rajpura) organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Patiala with the theme “Tiyan De Rang, Naari- shaktikaran De Sang” on 08.08.2024. The cultural performance was the highlight of the day, portraying the rich culture, heritage and traditions of Punjab, engagingly.
The celebrations were made even more enchanting with a blend of folk melodies and folk songs. To keep the festivities lively and fun, older ladies performed gidha. These performances, featuring a mix of songs and dances in line with the theme, captivated the audience with their energy and attractiveness.Dr. Gurupdesh Kaur, Professor cum Incharge (Home Science) addressed the audience that this year tiyan coincide with national handloom day and together we commemorate traditional phulkari craft of Punjab in this trinjan. She guided to integrate technology to expand market access and enhance skill development for traditional artisans. She inspired women to make innovative products like jewellery, gift hampers, potli purses in order to expand marketing of the craft.
Dr. Rachna Singla Professor (Horticulture) talked about nutritive value of fruits and guided on selection of fruit plants, digging of pit, planting distance and after care of plants. She also dwelled upon importance of self-reliance of women in all spheres of life. Mrs. Amarjeet Kaur and Ms. Arshleen Kaur exhibited the traditional trinjan scene in a colourful way. The exhibition was a hit among the audience.